Ontario, Canada’s most populous and once most important
province, chooses a new government on June 12. It does not matter what party is
elected to lead that government. Nothing will change because Ontario is a
textbook example of the dysfunction and decline in the world’s democratic

The book makes the
case that we must change and re-master the art of governing because our
governments have become too large, inefficient, and are going broke.
In the first half
of the last century people lived each day with almost no connection to
government. Today, governments influence almost everything we do and are with
us most hours of every day. The cost of government in our lives has become
In 1913, U.S.
government spending was 7.5 per cent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). By 2013
it had ballooned to 41.6 per cent of GDP. Canada’s government spending as a
percentage of GDP is 41.9.
The Europeans are the
champs in this category. The European Union contains seven per cent of the
world’s population, producing twenty-five per cent of the world’s GDP. Yet it
accounts for fifty per cent of the world’s social spending, which has
bankrupted some of its member countries.
Fixing our broken
system of government is the greatest political challenge of the next decade, The Fourth Revolution argues.
But don’t watch for
any Canadian government to lead the reform of a governing system headed at high
speed toward a cliff. Canadians are second only to the Europeans as hypocrites
when it comes to reforming government. We bleat like sheep about ever-increasing
taxes and fees, but squawk like famished vultures for government to do
something when anything goes amiss in our lives.
Politicians and
parties, who have allowed pandering for votes to become more important than
doing what is right, have corrupted the political system. The political health
of the party and its politicians takes precedence over what is best for the
people. Making the tough choices needed for responsible, efficient government has become abhorrent.
Voters are not
blameless. Most of us are poorly informed on the important issues. We form our
opinions on hearsay and spin, researching little on our own. Traditional news
media, on which we once relied for facts, is collapsing and new media still has to
grow up to become useful and reliable.
A revolution in governing can’t come fast enough.
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