Mounting evidence shows that governments need radical
new thinking to stop the contraband cigarette industry. The latest evidence
comes from New York City where the city health department reports that the
number of adult smokers has risen to 16.1 per cent from 14 per cent in the last
three years. That is the highest percentage since 2007.
Taxes on a pack of cigarettes in New York City
now total close to $7. The price for a legal pack of cigarettes in the city is
$10.50 to $12. Contraband packs cost about $5.
A new U.S. Tax Foundation study shows that 57
per cent of cigarettes smoked in the State of New York are contraband.
The studies join stacks of others illustrating
how contraband cigarette trafficking, one of the world’s most extensive and
profitable industries, continues to foil extensive efforts to reduce smoking

Governments won’t reduce tobacco taxes because
they are addicted to the revenue. In the U.S., federal and state taxes on
tobacco bring in $35.3 billion a year. In Canada, the annual tax take is
roughly $7 billion, not including sales taxes on tobacco.
Contraband tobacco not only encourages smoking
but the futile law enforcement fight against it costs huge amounts of money.
New York City is just a recent example of the
folly of high tobacco taxes. Contraband tobacco is in your neighbourhood,
making it cheaper for people to smoke while building new criminal organizations.
Governments need to try new approaches but addiction to the taxes and the
constant shouting of narrowly focussed anti-smoking groups ties them to the
same old thinking.
More on contraband and the history of tobacco can be found in Smoke Signals: The Native Takeback of North America's Tobacco Industry. (Dundurn Press)
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