Most autumns a moose wanders down the road. Other animals that have kept to the safety of the woods begin to appear, expanding their food search areas as winter comes closer.
This year I haven’t waited for the fall appearances. We’ve been watching the animals on a trail camera set up far back in the woods. It’s surprising how much animal activity there is back there, activity you seldom see when passing through.
Top left is a buck with antlers still in velvet. I figure he is one of two bucks caught on camera because the other appears to have more antlers but it is hard to tell.
Next are two young guys born on the property this year. The fawn still has its spots. The cub is standing taking a look around. They are incredibly curious when they are young.
And, there's mama bear. She has been behaving herself because we have seen no trace of her near the cottage this year. Last year the bears drove us crazy -- up on the cottage deck and spooking us at night. Must be more food in the back bush this year.
Top left is a buck with antlers still in velvet. I figure he is one of two bucks caught on camera because the other appears to have more antlers but it is hard to tell.
Next are two young guys born on the property this year. The fawn still has its spots. The cub is standing taking a look around. They are incredibly curious when they are young.
That's the mama deer next. She and the fawn stay close together. I see her large tracks beside tiny ones along the bush path.
Here's a night shot of cubby. He seems to be fattening up nicely. We just hope the food supply holds as the bears try to take on fat for the winter. When they are hungry all the time, they are a nuisance even when you ensure their isn't a morsel or a smell of food around the cottage.
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