Sunday, August 11, 2024

 Ever since the assassination attempt on Donald Trump there has been much talk about his ears.

He had a pillow-sized bandage on this right ear after it supposedly was grazed by a bullet. I haven’t seen any photos of the ear with the bandage off and what scarring there might be.

I’m not, however, the least bit interested in Trump’s ears. I’m fascinated by his eyes. 

Medical observers have said that Trump’s eyeballs are unnaturally large. They say the largeness could be the result of disease, injury or what he sprays on his face to give it that weird orange glow.

Reading about his eye size got me thinking about ostriches, which have the largest eyes of any land animal. Eyeballs take up so much room in an ostrich head that there is little room for a brain. That’s probably why the ostrich is considered the dumbest animal on the planet.

The ostrich is so dim-witted that it stretches its body along the ground thinking it will make it look buried and therefore hidden from predators. Only blind predator would fall for that one!

I’ve been wondering whether Trump has the same problem as the ostrich. Big eyes leaving little room for a brain.

The dumb things he says and does seem to confirm that. Like saying immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of America. And, that “millions and millions of people” are taking jobs away from Black people.

Or that Vice-President Kamala Harris is East Indian but turned herself Black to win votes.

Or, as the New York Times reported, he called his Secret Service director Dumbo.

He believes that some bloodlines produce people who are superior to others. He, of course, comes from a superior bloodline.

Many of Trump’s allies and aides have abandoned him, some calling him a moron or a dope. One of his professors in university reportedly called him “the dumbest . . .  student I ever had.”

Trump the weirdo is not the saddest part of this story. The saddest part is that American voters made him president and might do so again in November. 

Americans are unsophisticated voters. They vote for entertainers and will continue to elect bad actors like Trump. 

Maybe one day we’ll even see an ostrich as U.S. president.


1 comment:

  1. This one gave me several giggles in spite of the depressing subject (anything about Trump is depressing!) but your ending is a laugh-out-loud tonic!!
