The contraband cigarette circus continues with governments unwilling to try new ways to stop it despite so much evidence that increased taxes
and enforcement have not been especially effective.
The federal government recently increased its tobacco taxes $4
a carton and has given the RCMP another $91 million for high-tech electronic
surveillance along the Ontario-Quebec-U.S. borders. A carton of 200 taxed cigarettes
now ranges from roughly $80 to $112 depending on local taxes. 'Baggies' of
200 untaxed cigarettes can be purchased for under $10. People who smoke like the idea
of buying their cigarettes for a fraction of the retail store cost, even if
they are illegal.
The federal government admits that the contraband problem is
not improving. It says that 30 to 50 per cent of tobacco purchased in Canada is
bought illegally. Contraband tobacco has been spreading steadily outward from Ontario-Quebec into the Atlantic and western provinces.
Governments won’t try different strategies against
contraband tobacco for two reasons: They are addicted to tobacco tax revenue ($7.5 billion in 2011),
and they fear backlash from powerful anti-smoking lobbyists such as the
Canadian Cancer Society. I have nothing against the anti-smoking lobby. They
are sincere and dedicated in their commitment to help people stop smoking. However, they are
totally grounded to the argument that higher taxes are the best way to reduce

The contraband tobacco issue is extremely complicated and needs fresh thinking. And, as
noted in Smoke Signals: The Native
Takeback of North America’s Tobacco Industry it cannot be fully resolved
until Canadian governments get serious about resolving Native sovereignty issues.